French Language

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the conclusion

On ne peut pas regarder le film de Louis Malle sans réfléchir aux gens perdues. La haine a fait des coûts humains incalculables. Combien de…

Started by Pamela Kingfisher in French Grammar

4 Sep 22, 2009
Reply by Pamela Kingfisher

La mystère de la femmes.....

L’innocence des garçons est usé par Malle pour donner d’humeur. Surtout la mystère de la femme. La seule jolie jeune femme dans l’histoire…

Started by Pamela Kingfisher in French Grammar

16 Sep 22, 2009
Reply by Neil Coffey

La et lui

1.Qu'est-ce qu'on lui prend comme glace? Which ice cream shall we get him 2.Qu'est-ce qu'on la prend comme glace? Which ice cream shall w…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

5 Sep 22, 2009
Reply by Frank

Quand il sont ensemble, la peur est oubliée.

There is a question running under the title 'How is this paragraph?' It is from Pamela. I attached the following question to it. Nobody saw…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

1 Sep 21, 2009
Reply by Marc Vonhalmen

How do you say

Free will is but a dream

Started by Vee in French Grammar

2 Sep 21, 2009
Reply by Vee

Here is another paragraph.....

Maintenant, Julien comprend qu’il n’est pas seulement les Allemands qui sont mauvais. On realise que Julien sache le mal de Joseph, la lâch…

Started by Pamela Kingfisher in French Grammar

10 Sep 21, 2009
Reply by Pamela Kingfisher

Already can't help my son with his homework

I don't know if anyone here can help me. I stumbled across this site while trying to find help for my problem. Is there a book that can tel…

Started by Sarah in French Grammar

2 Sep 21, 2009
Reply by Frank

Words in an article

I have an article with French words in it that I do not understand. They are: "On ne sait de quel genre il est, s'il est male ou femelle, s…

Started by KD in French Grammar

3 Sep 21, 2009
Reply by Frank

Think about it.

Hello, When I want to say: "Think about it" in French how should it go? penser à qch ou cogiter ; réfléchir à. O.K. where is the IT in thes…

Started by Deay in French Grammar

6 Sep 21, 2009
Reply by Frank

La rupture du jeûne du mois de ramadan.

L'Aïd el- Fitr est la fête musulmane marquant la rupture du jeûne du mois de ramadan. Eid-Ul-Fitr is a celebration for Muslims. They mark/…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

4 Sep 21, 2009
Reply by Neil Coffey


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