French Language

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Michaël Meyer's Discussions (14)

Discussions Replied To (14) Replies Latest Activity

"Bonjour, L'idée ici est que les crédits sont difficiles à obtenir.  Il faut comprend…"

Michaël Meyer replied May 15, 2012 to crédits moins fléchés

1 May 15, 2012
Reply by Michaël Meyer

"Just thought : only one real difference : "quelques" never means "a lot"."

Michaël Meyer replied May 9, 2012 to When to use 'quelques' vs 'des'

12 May 9, 2012
Reply by Neil Coffey

"Hi, Don't bother about all this. "Quelques" et "des" are pretty much the same in fre…"

Michaël Meyer replied May 9, 2012 to When to use 'quelques' vs 'des'

12 May 9, 2012
Reply by Neil Coffey

"Hi, Best way is to find a french student who knows a bit of english. Try to find one…"

Michaël Meyer replied May 9, 2012 to Finding a perfect translator?

2 May 9, 2012
Reply by Michaël Meyer

"Some explanations :  "J’y habite" et "J'habite ici" are pretty much the same. Howeve…"

Michaël Meyer replied May 9, 2012 to Hi could someone check my son's homework, needs to be in by Thursday!

15 May 9, 2012
Reply by George Hunt

"You can translate "zones de beauté naturelle" in "espaces verts" or "espaces naturel…"

Michaël Meyer replied May 9, 2012 to Hi could someone check my son's homework, needs to be in by Thursday!

15 May 9, 2012
Reply by George Hunt

"Hi, You can reformulate 'Il y a cinq ans que Tammy etudie le Francais.' in "Tammy ét…"

Michaël Meyer replied May 9, 2012 to Il Y A Confusion

6 May 9, 2012
Reply by Cecil Hardbody

"La semaine dernière à été une semaine [unnecessary] très occupé [chargée] pour moi.…"

Michaël Meyer replied May 9, 2012 to Hi could someone check my son's homework, needs to be in by Thursday!

15 May 9, 2012
Reply by George Hunt

"A mon avis, Il y a [on peut faire] beaucoup de choses a faire à Wigan. Il y a [, dan…"

Michaël Meyer replied May 9, 2012 to Hi could someone check my son's homework, needs to be in by Thursday!

15 May 9, 2012
Reply by George Hunt

"Salut ["salut" is familiar, "bonjour" is better] ! Je m’appelle Henry et j’habite un…"

Michaël Meyer replied May 9, 2012 to Hi could someone check my son's homework, needs to be in by Thursday!

15 May 9, 2012
Reply by George Hunt


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