French Language

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Forum Discussions (2,876)

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Fais voir - English could be misunderstood

You show me, let me see it -- Is that the correct 'longhand' translation of "Fais voir" ? I mean, if you translate it as "Let me see," mis…

Started by Robert in French Grammar

3 Mar 7, 2014
Reply by George Hunt

Pas, Non

Nous sommes des hommes, non des dieux. Pas du tout. I'm unsure of when one would use "non" and when one would use "pas".  Any advice?

Started by Dwayne Roberts in French Dictionary / Vocabulary

3 Mar 6, 2014
Reply by Chantal Savignat

Avoir verb Rencontrer

The verb Rencontrer is an Avoir verb. So is it correct to use it with être in passé composé ? Nous nous sommes rencontrés en janvier 2008.…

Started by Robert in French Grammar

1 Mar 1, 2014
Reply by George Hunt


Bonjour, je suis Slovaque et maintenant j’écris mon travail de licence. Est-ce que quelqu’un pourrait m’expliquer quelles sont les fonction…

Started by Miska Elen Durackova in French Grammar

1 Feb 27, 2014
Reply by Vedas

Dialogue translation

Hi there I am wondering if someone is willing to transcribe a short piece of film dialogue from English to French. The film is linked below…

Started by Justin Heaney in Translation Help

1 Feb 23, 2014
Reply by Charles D


I was looking at this in a dictionary and saw that one meaning is "to rush" Je vais foncer à la boulangerie.  I'm just going to dash to th…

Started by alan gould in French Grammar

1 Feb 23, 2014
Reply by Vedas

Existent les accords avec "qui" en passe compose avec l'auxiliare avoir?

Salut tout le monde, J'ai recu quelques devoirs qui ont eu une question comme ça: "Les humoristes qui ont presente etaient les amateurs". (…

Started by Ray in French Grammar

15 Feb 23, 2014
Reply by Chantal Savignat

to waste

I’ve seen “perdre” used with regard to time -- Nous ne perdons pas de temps iciIt seems “gaspiller” is used more generally but “gâcher” is…

Started by alan gould in French Grammar

2 Feb 21, 2014
Reply by Vedas


Hi, I'm a beginner in French (less than a month). I'm currently having difficulties working the word 'Combien' in a sentence, as I'm not ex…

Started by Simone in French Grammar

4 Feb 19, 2014
Reply by Vedas


I'm familiar with its use when meaning turning a vehicle to go in another direction:  Il faut virer le bateau ! - You have to turn the boa…

Started by alan gould in French Grammar

4 Feb 19, 2014
Reply by stu harris


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