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I’ve seen “perdre” used with regard to time -- Nous ne perdons pas de temps ici

It seems “gaspiller” is used more generally but “gâcher” is used with regard to food and money:

Tu gâches tant d'argent ! - You waste so much money!
Je n’aime pas gâcher la nourriture

the dictionary says “gâcheur” is used to mean “wasteful” and “a wasteful person”

I’m aware “gâcher” is also used to mean “to ruin.” I see it can also mean “to mix,” but maybe this is reserved for mortar? (une gâche -is a trowel)   

merci d'avance

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Hello !

Indeed, "Gâcher" is more and more used instead of "ruiner" ;

you can use it for food or money but I would rather say :

"Tu gaspilles tant d'argent." or "Tu jettes l'argent par les fenêtres" (works only for money)

"Je n'aime pas gaspiller la nourriture."

I never heard someone to say "gâcheur" either (at least in an everyday conversation) - People prefer "gaspilleur" here too.

I hope it helps.


"gâcheur" is old fashionned:

.1/Ouvrier qui gâche le plâtre, le mortier.

"  (…) ce labeur si pénible, si humble, de gâcheur de plâtre et de charretier (…)"

Huysmans, la Cathédrale
2/Fig. Personne qui bâcle, gâche un travail ou qui gâte, gaspille qqch
 " Propre à rien ! gâcheur de besogne, qui ne travaille pas et qui s'en vante !"
Zola, la Terre
You can also say:  gâcher sa vie


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