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excuse the lack of accents!


Les defis ideologiques et strategiques que le droit va devoir affronter ne se resument pas a un choix simpliste entre recentrage et radicalisation.


My question:

va devoir affronter ne se resument pas

I'm just a bit confused with the bolded section- there were verbs before it, yet, the part highlighted is not in its infinitive? I would understand if the part highlighted was perhaps past participle- but could someone perhaps explain to me this structure and perhaps, the rules as to why this section is particularly conjugated in the present tense?



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That's because the other verbs are still part of the subject - you've got a complex sentence again. So it's the first "active" verb of the sentence, if you will. Breaking it down, the subject in bold, the complement in italic bold and its subject underscored (erm, still, no idea if this helps... Sorry if it does not!):


Les défis idéologiques et stratégiques que le droit va devoir affronter ne se résument pas à un choix simpliste entre recentrage et radicalisation.


The word "que" that introduces the complement should help, because it indicates that what you get next is still part of the same unit (in this case anyway).

Christine this helps a lot!!! I forgot to also thank you for your other reply- but yes this has helped me understand a lot! Just unlucky me stumbling across so many complex sentences hehe


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