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I would appreciate some help in understanding "Une bourde monumentale même" at the end of the following text:

Les soldes estivales étaient passées mais les 3 Suisses semblaient vouloir les prolonger. Les amplifier même. Avec - 90%, le prix de l'écran plat Samsung dernier cri de 132 cm fondait comme neige au soleil, de 1899,99 euros à 179,99 euros. L'affaire était trop belle : il s'agit d'une erreur. Une bourde monumentale même.

Merci beaucoup.


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Hi Une,

Une bourde is a blooper.

And "monumental(e)" means huge, "as huge as a monument".

And in this case, it really was. People rushed to order TVs but it was too good to be true and nobody actually received one.
Merci, Frank. Ah, so it means a huge blunder. Babel Fish gave me "boob" for "bourde". So why is the word "même" necessary?
"Boob"? Lol, Babelfish is way of base, "bourde" doesn't have that meaning at all.

Ths word "même" isn't really necessary. In this context, it just means "said in another way".
Just to refine the translation slightly, a possibility would be "You could say ...", "Indeed, you could say...".
Great, thanks.
I think "blunder" is better, but "boob" can be a synonym for "blunder".
Oh, good to know, thanks Neil.
Got you Neil. Yes, just double checked my English dictionary and to my surprise, boob also means gaffe, ignorant and foolish person. So I guess that's where the booby trap comes from.

Before this, I LOL too (so Frank, you are not alone.)

Would you say the word "même" here is short for "quand même"?
Would you say the word "même" here is short for "quand même"?

I don't think "même" ever replaces "quand même".

"quand même" rather means "anyhow", "though", "nevertheless", "still".

This is quite different from "même" which also has a couple of other meanings, including the one described above, but also "same" ("le même"), "even" ("même les patates ont des yeux") and "very" ("cette voiture même").
Excellent. I learn quite a lot out of this. Many thanks.
I am surprised to hear boob used as an error. Here in the states it means one thing: Breast!
Booboo....a nickname for a little person, as in, we call our daughter"BooBoo"
or a booboo means a little cut or scrape, a very minor injury treatable with a bandaide.
Boob can mean, the person is an idiot, but this is an outdated use.
Indeed, according to my dict, it's a britishism.

Yet another word like "fag", that has a totally different meaning in BE and AE.


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