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It seems French has 2 words for 'send'.

Both 'envoyer' and 'adresser' mean send.

1.Je t' enverras une lettre. [ I will send you a letter.]

2.Je t'addresras une lettre. [ I will send you a letter.]

My question is whether both of my examples are fine.
[ Here I am talking about a letter via 'facteur'. He still brings me letters. Not emails.]

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Hey Crack,

The future is Je t'enverrai (and Je t'adresserai).

"adresser" is very formal. You would never say that to a friend. It's more the kind of word you'd use in a business-to-business situation. It's not the about the fact of sending something, it's about the fact that it will be specifically delivered to you.

"adresser" is often used about documents, especially legal ones.
Thanks Frank
The online dictionary says the word 'adresser' means to send a letter.
They write rubbish too.
Now I got the correct answer straight from the horse's mouth.
It's not rubbish. It actually means to send a letter. But it's not a casual letter. It's something important and eventually private. A formal document, a check, a contract, etc.
1 - je t'enverrai une lettre I will send you a letter

2 - je t'adresserai une lettre I will address a letter to you. I think it means a letter will be addressed to you specifically.
Yes. But "adresser" should be in a formal context (with "vous" rather than "tu"). You would never say "Je t'adresserai une lettre" if the recipient is a relative or a friend. A love letter is for somebody in particular, but if you ever say to your friend "Je t'adresserai une lettre", he/she's going to think that you're sueing him/her!

It's really more for administrative stuff, legal stuff, checks ("veuillez adresser votre réglèment à ..."), etc.

"envoyer" is a safe bet, it works in absolutely every situation :)
Crack asked 2 specific questions
1.Je t' enverrai une lettre. [ I will send you a letter.] correct
Je t'addresrai une lettre. [ --.] here its " a letter will be addressed to you"
Je t'adresserai une lettre", he/she's going to think that you're sueing him/her!you are spot on Frank, you can say that could'nt you.
Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:

adresser /adʀese/ (conjugate⇒)
I.transitive verb direct [criticism] (à at);
to make [request, declaration, appeal];
to deliver [ultimatum];
to present [petition];
to aim [blow];
~ la parole à qn to speak to sb; send [letter]; refer [sb] (à to).
II.s'adresser reflexive verb (+ v être)
1.s'~ à qn to speak to sb;
2.s'~ à to contact [embassy];
s'~ au guichet 8 to go to window 8;
3.s'~ à [measure] to be aimed at.


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