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I think (guess) 'Cour des comptes' probably means something like 'magistrates' court' but could someone please give the correct placement of this court in the French admin. of justice?  Thnks.


"Accablant pour la CGT-RATP, le rapport publié mardi par de la Cour des comptes dénonce la faillite générale de l'objectif social du CE."  Le Figaro today Des 7.

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It's an independent public administration that keep an eye on the outgoings of administrations, public strutures.

Their mission is to check that public funds are well used without any embezzlements and in a good way.

Here is, in French, an abstract :

Les missions de la Cour des comptes sont définies par la Constitution au 1er alinéa de l’article 47-2 :

« La Cour des comptes assiste le Parlement dans le contrôle de l'action du Gouvernement. Elle assiste le Parlement et le Gouvernement dans le contrôle de l'exécution des lois de finances et de l'application des lois de financement de la sécurité sociale ainsi que dans l'évaluation des politiques publiques. Par ses rapports publics, elle contribue à l'information des citoyens. […] »

Juridiction administrative, la Cour remplit ces missions en toute indépendance.

You can read more on the "Cour des comptes" website  :

The "Parlement", in France, is compound of the Senate (Sénat) and the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale).

Thnk you so much Erwan. 

It seems unique among nations.  What a superb idea to have such a watch-dog!  Maybe other countries can copy its use. The Tea Party ought to go into its usefulness with a fine toothcomb with a view to encourage such a body in the US!

Merci beuacoup!

The problem with the Cour des comptes is that their notifications are only advisory. Administrations and Co are not forced to act after their reports. Journalists often publish the recommendations but they are very often descredited by politics.

AHHHH!  That is exactly what my next ? was to be!  What a pity. We (all humans under governments) need to get them accountable to us - the true sovereign, employers of the employees, our representatives.

Thnks again Erwan.


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