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"Elle passait sa vie a veiller sur ses enfants, sur son gaz et a ce qu'on ne la volat point".

I am having trouble getting this all; I know the first phrase means

"She spent her life watching over her children..."

but am stumped by the rest of it; gaz is gas according to larousse, and voler is to fly;

n'est-ce pas?



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voler also means "to steal". And "gaz" is "gas", yes. She's making sure that nobody steals her gas.
what about "point"; how should that be translated?

"point" is an old-fashioned way of saying "pas" (not).

This is something you can stumble upon in literature and poetry.

But you'll never hear this, even in very formal speech.
Hello Isabelle,

"voler" has two very different meanings. To fly, but also to steal, to rob.

In this context, I reckon the second meaning applies. She doesn't want to get robbed.


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