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You run the risk of catching swine flu.

You have the risk of getting swine flu.

How do you say the above in French?

I know to catch a cold is 'attrapper froid/un rhume ' in French.

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Tu prends le risque d'attraper la grippe porcine.
Thanks Frank
So the French way of saying the risk of running getting a disease is 'prends le risque d'attraper'

1. Tu prends le risque d'attraper la grippe.
You run the risk of getting influenza.

2. Tu prends le risque d'attraper un mauvais estomac si tu mangez de mauvaise nourriture,.
You run the risk of getting a stomach disorder if you eat contaminated food.
Please correct the above 2 sentences.
I made a blunder here.

So the French way of saying the risk of running getting a disease is 'prends le risque d'attraper'.

So the French way of saying the risk of getting a disease is 'prends le risque d'attraper'. [ Correct]
1. Tu prends le risque d'attraper la grippe.
You run the risk of getting influenza.


2. Tu prends le risque d'attraper un mauvais estomac si tu mangez de mauvaise nourriture,.
You run the risk of getting a stomach disorder if you eat contaminated food.

No cookie for this one.

Translating "a stomach disorder" by "a bad stomach" screws up the original meaning.

"a disorder" is "un trouble". While using the singular form would be technically correct, we'd rather use the plural form.

So here we go:

"Tu prends le risque d'attraper des troubles de l'estomac, si tu manges de la nourriture polluée".

Translating "contaminated food" by "bad food" fits the bill, but it could be interpreted as "disgusting food", which is not exactly the same thing.

Also pay attention to the "manger" verb, you confused "tu" and "vous":

Tu manges
Vous mangez

Keep the good work,

Or, if you are from Québec, you'd say :

"Tu cours le risque d'attraper (ou d'avoir) des problèmes d'estomac, si tu manges de la nourriture avariée"
Perfectly makes sense in France as well.

However "nourriture avariée" rather means "rotten food", but this is maybe what Crack1 was meaning.
Thanks for the replies

Two days ago when Mr. Sarkozy fell ill, French TV used the word 'malaise'. I was surprised by their choice of the word. It should be the French word 'malad'.

I looked it up in my dictionary as soon as I heard the word 'malaise'. It translated into English as 'discomfort'. That was his ailment.

Most of the time I listen to TV5 and France 2 channels and this helps to improve my French.
They are not free. I have to pay for French, German, Spanish and Russian channels. However, I have very little time to watch TV. I have to time to train at the gym. I trained 90 minutes today.

Nowadays FINA Swimming Championships in Rome is on France 2 channel. Entire Tour De France too was on France 2 channel.
"un malaise" might be a discomfort.

But "avoir un malaise" actually means to feel dizzy (all that press just for feeling dizzy? Yes. Who said he was a media whore out there? But we're disgressing...)

There's a couple of French channels you can watch for free, like Direct8 and France24. But granted, it's a time-consuming activity.

Anyway, for the record, here are URLs for watching these channels online:

Maybe also try this one:

Hope it helps,

Thanks Frank

1.Il est malade.
2. Je crois que il est arrivé à attraper un virus quelconque.

He is not feeling well.
I think he got a some kind of virus. OR I think he caught a some kind of virus.

I am not sure about my second sentence. Could you correct it, please.
Il est malade.
He's ill

Il ne se sent pas bien
He's not feeling well

I think he caught some kind of virus
Je pense qu'il a attrapé une sorte de virus

I think he got some kind of virus
Je pense qu'il a une sorte de virus
Thanks Frank

So I was 100% wrong.

Is the following correct?
Je suis arrivé à attraper un virus quelconque.
I managed to catch some kind of virus.

Il se sent bien.
He's feeling well.

Il est mieux.
He is better now.
I hope the above 2 sentences are fine.
Yep, now you're 100% correct.


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