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Hi folks,

Please advise how to translate following sentences;

When looking at the outside of Lido night club it doesn't look so luxurious.
En regardant l'extérieur de boîte de nuit de Lido cela ne semble pas si luxueux


En regardant l'extérieur de la boîte de nuit de Lido il ne regarde pas si luxueux

But going inside you will amaize at its theater.
Mais va à l'intérieur vous amaize à son théâtre



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En regardant l'extérieur de la boîte de nuit "Le Lido", cela ne semble pas si luxueux

However, it would be more natural to say:

Si l'on regarde l'extérieur de la boîte de nuit "Le Lido", cela ne semble pas si luxueux

Or using something like "judging by" instead:

D'après l'extérieur de la boîte de nuit "Le Lido", cela ne semble pas si luxueux

Some variants:

D'après l'extérieur de la boîte de nuit "Le Lido", ce n'est pas si luxueux
À en juger par l'extérieur, la boîte de nuit "Le Lido" n'est pas si luxueux


Mais va à l'intérieur vous amaize à son théâtre
Mais en allant à l'intérieur, vous serez surpris par son théatre

("théatre" is a bit offbeat here, though. Would rather say "par sa scène", "par son spectacle").
Side notes:

- Le Lido is a great place to go if you ever make a trip to Paris. It's a bit expensive, but it's definitely worth it. The show is indeed excellent.
Le Moulin Rouge is also pretty good. At first sight, you might think that these are only shows for tourists and that you're going to be disappointed. But while there's indeed quite a lot of tourists in here, you are likely to really enjoy your evening. Went to both with my girlfriend a while back and both shows kicked ass. You can also eat there before the show. But I wouldn't recommend it. While the show is great, the dinner sucks and it's really expensive for what it is.

- Le Lido isn't a night club, it's rather a cabaret. You don't dance, you watch a show.

- "boîte de nuit" is quite an obsolete expression. My parents used to say that, but it's not something we use anymore. Just say "boîte", "club" or "soirée".
Hi Frank,

Le Lido is a great place to go .....

I have been there including "Moulin Rouge" before. Dinner was served before performance started. It won't disturb the performance. This arrangement is the same world-wide such as in Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

I have visited Paris couples of time before. I managed taking a bus from Charles de Gaulle Airport (Aéroport Charles de Gaulle) to Gare de Nord paying cheap fare instead of using the airport express (I forgot its name), the expensive traffic transport. I managed using the Paris Métro (Le tubulé train) inside Paris without problem.

- "boîte de nuit" is quite an obsolete expression
This term is still used in some major cities world-wide where the visitors can have food, dancing and entertainment/performance inside.

Hi Frank,

D'après l'extérieur de la boîte de nuit "Le Lido", cela ne semble pas si luxueux

What will be the typical translation of;
D'après (De après) ?

If word-to-word;
Of afterwards


("théatre" is a bit offbeat here, though. Would rather say "par sa scène", "par son spectacle").
What I'm going to say is "the stage"

Hello Stephen,

"D'après" (and the "d'" is what changes the meaning here) means "judging by" or "according to".

D'après Stephen, le nouvel Harry Potter est nul.
D'après son status sur Facebook, elle a une nouvelle voiture.

What I'm going to say is "the stage"

"scène" means "stage". It applies to any kind of show.


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