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Would someone be so kind as to tell me if I translated the following sentences correctly:

1. She talks without crying.
Elle parle sans crier.

2. Are you going out without a coat?
As - tu sortir sans manteau?

3. Don't leave without saying goodbye!
Ne depart pas sans dire au revoir!

4. Repeat without stopping!
Répétez sans arrêter!

5. She recited the poem without a single mistake.
Elle récite la poeme sans une erreur seule.

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1. correct

2. Sors-tu sans manteau ? OR
Tu sors sans manteau ?

3. Ne pars pas sans dire au revoir!

4. What's the context in this case? What does the person repeat?
Possible translation: Répétez sans relâche! (sans relâche = sans interruption)

5. Elle a récité le poème sans une seule erreur (or, better: sans la moindre erreur)
Thank You!
when one want to say that a person is crying, with tears in their eyes, i mean, isn't the word pleurer rather than crier?

doesn't the verb "cry" have those 2 meanings ?
1. cry = shout out --> crier
2. cry = weep --> pleurer

So, in this case, I don't really know which one she meant...
I don't know myself =( I just got the sentences out of my french book from high school.
imho it was pleurer that was meant; in american english the word "cry" is usually describing the expression of sorrow, with tears flowing; especially in conversation;

in print, you'll see a person uttering "a cry", which means usually indicates some kind of call for attention;

also in literature, when interactions between persons are described, when one "cries" the word is another option for "said", but indicates that the speaker is making a point, or speaking with feeling



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