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Could someone come up with a translation of the following, please:


"Les clients c’étaient des indigènes assez délurés pour oser s’approcher de nous les Blancs, une sélection en somme. Les autres de nègres, moins dessalés, préféraient demeurer à distance."


Thanks in advance.

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I propose to you this:


Customers were locals enough audacious for daring to get close to us, the Whites, a kind of selection in fact. Other negroes, less resourceful, prefered keep their distance.


I hope not to have made too many English mistakes :-)

Thanks for your help, Erwan. I would  slightly re-phrase your translation as follows: " Customers were locals audacious enough to dare to get close to us, the whites, a kind of selection in fact. Other negroes, less resourceful, preferred to keep their distance."


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