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I only have few words of basic french from school. I dont rememeber alot of it. However recently i have become reunited with a sibling that I never really knew. We were both dopted to seperate families...who stayed in touch until her family closed off contact for some reason. Its a long story. She speaks french and i am irish, speaking english, both born in central america. Sometimes its very difficult to communiate via mail, facebook etc...
her own education was cut short so her english is not fluent. Anyway i really need her to understand something that im trying to tell her. WE are going back together to our country of origin, but as ive been back before, it is all new for her. Im mailing her know to let her know ive booked my flights, she keeps telling me to relax but i would like her to understand
so im wondering if i can get a translation on this please from somone,id so appreciate it !! thank you immensly if someone is willing, here it is below.
" i am very happy , i have now booked my flights, now i can relax. For me its easy and better to plan my trip so i dont have to think about it after too much. For me now i look forward to it and feel excited about it in a relaxed way. I realise its different for you and i understand maybe you dont want to hear this. But i am excited that i book the trip...for me its a good holiday too. now i dont feel as depressed as i did.
I would not be the most organised person in the world at all, so this is nothing, I know you think day by day, but of course it will be moment by moment, but i feel for me its important to plan a little especially for me because its so far away. I also have to pay for it because i found a good deal to pay and maybe in 2011 the price go up close to time, Ireland to honduras takes one day and half. now i am more relaxed because i have booked it and got it out of the way!! so i hope you understand this , i am happy. I have found a way to get some translation.
I also meant to add for someone to help me translate to her.
I understand its a big new deal for you. I understand, I would even understand if you changed your mind, i can still go and would be happy to go alone, but it would be a bonus if we were there together so please no pressure sis. i will be there no matter what, if you come great , if you dont its okay. so dont feel pressure
You of course do what you feel is right, day by day if it helps you, but i just like to share it all with you as i do it
Hello, here's the attempt of a native speaker :
Je suis très content, maintenant que j 'ai réservé mes billets d'avion, je peux me reposer. C'est plus facile pour moi de planifier mon voyage, comme ça je n'y pense plus après. Je suis impatient et excité par ce voyage, mais tranquille. Je me rends compte que c'est différent pour toi et je comprendrais que tu ne veuilles pas entendre ça. Mais je suis excité par tout ça, pour moi c'est des vacances aussi, je ne me sens plus déprimé comme avant.
Je ne suis pas la personne la plus organisée du monde, alors c'est important pour moi de le planifier, surtout que c'est encore loin. Mais je sais que toi, tu vis plutôt au jour le jour. J'en ai profité aussi pour avoir de bons prix car en 2011, les prix vont augmenter. Voyager d'Irlande vers le Honduras prends un jour et demi. Maintenant je suis plus tranquille car je n'ai plus à m'occuper de ça, et j'en suis content, j'espère que tu me comprends. J'ai trouvé de l'aide pour traduire.
Je comprends que tu trouves ça compliqué, et je comprendrais si tu changes d'avis. Je peux toujours y aller seul, mais ça serait mieux si on y allait ensemble. J'irai là-bas de toutes façons, alors ne te prends pas trop la tête là-dessus, je ne te mets pas la pression.
Bien sûr, tu fais ce qu'il te semble le mieux, tu y réfléchis un peu tous les jours si ça t'aide, mais je voulais simplement te faire part de tout ça.
ooh merci beacoup ED,
es muy amable.. This means alot, I am currently learning spanish for central america, but french is the second language to learn right now,,,as i dont wont to focus on two at the same time. I promise myself to learn it fluent . I may come back to you again, thanks...lol
salut ed la moutte,
Ma saoer, she reply to me finally. I want to be sure what she say in french, if you are prepared to help me once again to complete this chat, it would be fantastic!!!?
Yes, you've got the idea. Here's the whole thing:
I respect your lifestyle karla! however we are different and have very different lives! That's just normal! YES I WANT TO GO SEE GRAND-MOTHER BEFORE SHE GOES! DEFINITELY! But I haven't the means or the time to get there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I will find a way of getting there for a week, definitely! give me time to think about all that!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you and love you just as you are karla!!!!!1
She sure loves the exclamation marks....
hi Stu,
wow, its so nice to get this translation, i appreciate it alot! thanks. yes she does love the esclamation marks, that goes on alot. She is quite dramatic in her expression. It must be strange to read all this..as i knows is a story. I write myself as if not english, i got used to writing back and forth with her speaking basic english, so excuse my own english right now.
Thanks again!! your helping a very special relationship
take care!!
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