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Please help me to correct following translation if being incorrect.

(Referring to service inside a church)

To maintain a solemn environment without disturbance in the service must stand firm.

Pour maintenir un environnement solennelle sans perturbation dans le service doit rester ferme


Stephen L

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Hi Stephen
Could you rephrase the sentence in english or did you mean To maintain a solemn environment without disturbance in the service IT must stand firm
Hi adel,

Actually I used "To maintain a solemn environment without disturbance in the service" as noun/subject

Or better say it;
"maintaining a solemn environment without disturbance in the service" must stand firm without concession.


if so you add IL Pour maintenir un environnement solennelle sans perturbation dans le service IL doit rester ferme
Hi adel,

Thanks for your advice.

Whether add 2 "il" in one sentence?

Mmm... "Il" doesn't make any sense in this phrase, it doesn't refer to anything.
Hi Stephen,

A literal translation wouldn't really sound natural. Here's how it could be rephrased:

Merci de respecter le calme et l'esprit du lieu pendant les services religieux.

"le calme et l'esprit du lieu" is the common way to describe the solemnity of a church.
Merci de + infinitive is a formal imperative form, often used on signs and notice boards.
Hi Frank

would l esprit have a capital e as in the Spirit in english.
Hi Adel,

There's no capital for esprit in French. However, there's one for Dieu, except when you're talking about other gods (usually using the plural form).
Hi Frank

I got this from french dictionary
Compound Forms/Formes composées
et l'Esprit saint and the Holy Ghost
l'Esprit nm the Spirit
l'Esprit de Dieu the Spirit of God
l'Esprit de vérité the Spirit of Truth
le Saint-Esprit the Holy Ghost
le Saint-Esprit the Holy Spirit
saint-Esprit nm Holy Spirit
saint-Esprit nm Holy Ghost
The "Saint-Esprit" is the Holy Spirit.

Here, "esprit" really means "spirit", like consciousness, attitude.
Hi Frank,

Thanks for your advice.

But I use the sentence on internal communication of church counsels NOT as a notice. Your suggestion somewhat deviates from the essence of my sentence. There is a debate amongst counsels whether children under age 4 should not be allowed in the church during service.

Further advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

Stephen L
Hello Stephen,

You can really use this sentence on internal communication. It's a bit formal I think it would be perfectly correct in this context.


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