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stu harris's Discussions (396)

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"Not quite. LA boeuf should be LE boeuf...."

stu harris replied May 20, 2010 to Help needed to impress upon a friend in French

8 May 25, 2010
Reply by Neil Coffey

"Oh, OK I get it. 'Cousine' should be 'cuisine.' OK, here's my shot at it -- but bear…"

stu harris replied May 19, 2010 to Help needed to impress upon a friend in French

8 May 25, 2010
Reply by Neil Coffey

"Hi Marco. What's the relationship between you and Sophie? Are you more or less the s…"

stu harris replied May 19, 2010 to Help needed to impress upon a friend in French

8 May 25, 2010
Reply by Neil Coffey

"éveillée has to be correct since âme is a feminine noun."

stu harris replied May 19, 2010 to Help needed for tattoo quote idea

1 May 19, 2010
Reply by stu harris

"Yes, or come to think of it, "I must have" would also be a legitimate translation of…"

stu harris replied May 18, 2010 to Colloquial French

8 May 18, 2010
Reply by Pete Laubscher

"I'm for J'ai besoin de. I'm pretty sure crucifixion would not be your fate in either…"

stu harris replied May 17, 2010 to Colloquial French

8 May 18, 2010
Reply by Pete Laubscher

"Neil is likely to be more correct than me, but here's my effort: Qu'auriez-vous fai…"

stu harris replied May 2, 2010 to Losing the job

9 May 14, 2010
Reply by Crack1

"1] Que feriez-vous si vous perdrez votre emploi? (conditional) 2] Que fait-on si on…"

stu harris replied May 2, 2010 to Losing the job

9 May 14, 2010
Reply by Crack1

"Not quite. It's He has already spent two thirds of his salary. Depending on the co…"

stu harris replied May 2, 2010 to Spending the salary

1 May 2, 2010
Reply by stu harris

"This gave my French chat group quite a laugh and a good deal of ribaldry ensued. The…"

stu harris replied Apr 15, 2010 to I can't find the proper translation anywhere!!

3 Apr 15, 2010
Reply by Laura Baker


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