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1.  Des soupçons de fraude  -   does it means  "The suspicions of fraud"

 2.  Certes -   what does this word means

      Bien entendu-  this means 'of course' ?

       How do you choose to use 'bien entendu"  and Bien sur.  Bien sur also means 'of course' ?

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1. Some suspicions of fraud.

2. Certes could mean "of course",  "certainly", "no denying it".

  Certes, c'est un sujet intéressant : Of course, it's an interesting subject.
  Nous sommes des animaux, certes, mais nous pensons : We are animals, no denying it, but we can think.

Bien entendu and bien sûr are, in my opinion, synonymous

Much obliged for your reply Erwan. Good explanation. I still think Bien Entendu is used in a particular way by the french, for non native french I guess we just use it without much thought if it sounds better in certain circumstances.

Sometimes, but it's really rare, we use bien entendu in is original meaning which is "well understood".

Politicians use this kind of word in their meetings or interview.

 oh, I forgot to ask how to pronounce that word 'Certes'  do you pronounce it like you prononce the english word for Certificate except without the 'ficate'.?

You're right. the final "s" is not pronounced

That's not quite right. It's more like sairt than sert.

"Soupçon" can also mean "hint".  I think the English sounds better if you say "hint of fraud".  I guess it matters how formal you want to make it. 

Salut Charles, I really like your explanation, I think you should be a language teacher. Teaching language is no easy job.  Merci infinitement. ( do french use this expression, i wonder )


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