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Hi all,


I'm looking for native speakers to confirm my translations of the following, fairly complicated lines. Primarily, are the following lines idiomatically correct; that is, if you were speaking them, is this how you would say them:


This has little to do with Shakespearean ethics: we are talking here of my livelihood.


On ne parle pas de l'éthique de Shakespeare; on parle des moyens d'existence.


In a second you'll be retired. I'll call the doctor.


Mais vous n'existerez plus tout à l'heure. Je vais appeler le médecin.


(There is supposed to be a play on the word "exisrence.")


Please let me know if these lines require more context. The second line is supposed to be formal.


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The first line is correct, you could say it naturally.

If I had to translate this, I would go for "Ca n'a que peu à voir avec l'éthique Shakespearienne; on parle ici de mes moyens d'existence/ma subsistance". It's more formal, but I think it fits with the theatrical context.


The second line is also correct, but I find the "retired" a bit odd. Retired in modern french at least, means "retraité", a people that is done working because of his age. I don't think there is a notion of end of existence or disappearance. Maybe I'm wrong.....


If you could add some more lines for the second phrase, it would help I think!

That's what I was afraid of. In the second line, the translation has a play on words. The existence is supposed to have the double meaning of literally existing/being alive as well as no longer working in light of the first line, which precedes it in context. Does the play on words not come out naturally?
You can may be say "Mais bientôt vous ne serez plus là"
I'd say "vous ne serez plus parmi nous" or "vous nous aurez quitté", which have both meaning of dying and quitting a job.


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