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bonjour à tous, (pour ceux qui parlent français)
je voudrais améliorer mon anglais catastrophique, et je me suis dit que d'écouter la radio en anglais serait un bon moyen de progresser, seulement je ne connais pas les radios anglaises et elles sont très difficiles à trouver depuis la France, ainsi, pourriez vous me dire qu'elles sont les radios écoutées par les jeunes (j'ai 24 ans ;-) ), merci pour votre aide!

hello everybody, I try in english....
I would like to progress in english, so I told me that it would be a good idea to listen the english radios, but it is really hard to find it from france, so could you help me telling me what are the best radios for young people please. Thank you so much!!

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Est-ce que tu connais le site web de France 24? L'avantage de ce site est que tu auras la transcription et la traduction de la plupart des reportages.

Sinon, le site de la BBC propose plusieurs émissions (de radio et de télévision) disponibles depuis l'étranger. Par exemple, la section du "World Service":

ou par exemple certaines revues de presse, comme "Daily Politics":

ou bien "This Week":

Sinon, certaines émissions comme "Newsnight" (revue de presse très célèbre grâce au caractère quelque peu caustique du présentateur en chef, Jeremy Paxman) sont disponibles en format "clip-vidéo":

Bonne écoute!
merci beaucoup pour cette réponse très complète, j'espère que tout cela m'aidera!
Bonjour Stella!

Honnêtement, écoutant la radio n'est jamais mieux que regardant les films anglais. Il faut qu'on fait attention du contexte des conversations afin de comprendre complètement l'argot et les idiomes anglais. Malheureusement on les utilize trop de temps en conversation polie et familière, donc il est essentiel de les apprendre avant que tu fasses des erreurs!

A mon avis, regardant des films d'enfants avec un bon dictionnaire est le meilleur moyen d'apprendre une langue!


Honestly, listening to the radio is never better than watching movies in English. Paying attention to the context of conversations is vital in understanding the slang and idioms in English. Unfortunately we use them all the time in polite and familiar conversation and it's necessary to learn them before you make any mistakes!

In my opinion, the best way to learn these things is by watching a kid's movie with a good dictionary !
thank you for your answer, I often watch movies, I am going to know really well all the Walt Disney collection!! I agree with you, but I can't watch movies at every time, radio is more convenient, and the best is to do both!
Movies for children aren't that easy to understand, because the vocab isn't very common, it sounds very different from spoken english.
Hello everybody

I would like to improve my English My English is not so good.

I was told that listening to English radio would be a good way to progress gradually to this end.

As a matter of fact I don't know how to find French radio channels; they are very difficult to find in France.

So could you please tell me English radio channels which are suitable for youngsters. I am 24.

Thanks in advance for any help.

You wrote the French word 'Catastrophe'. It sounds weird to say that my English is catastrophic. Therefore I wrote 'which is not good'.
I thought the best translation for the French word 'Seulement' in this context would be 'as a matter of fact' though it means 'solely' in English.
I just translated Stella's French sentences into English. I am not so good at writing French.
I believed that my english text wasn't ok, which could be possible...
Thanks to translate my french text because I am not able to do that.

Je pensais que vous corrigiez mon texte anglais, c'est néanmoins une bonne idée d'avoir traduit mon texte français, cela m'aide beaucoup.
Thank you.
I have corrected your English sentences.
I believed my English text wasn't ok. It was possible that I made mistakes.
Thanks for translating my French text. I am not able to do it correctly.

By the way, there is a question I posted yesterday.
Could you please help me? My French sentences are inaccurate.
thanks for correcting my faults.
Hello Stella,

I'm just like you... a native french speaker, but my english definitely sucks, although I'd love to improve it.

Besides radios (btw, I'd recommend ETIN: it's quite interesting and covers a wide spectrum of topics), you can download english podcasts. They can help *a lot*. Plus, you can listen to them several times until the vocab sinks it.

"China232" and "Betteratenglish" podcasts are free and top-notch.

Watching to TV shows can also help a lot. Try to watch an episode with subtitles first, and watch it again without subtitles.



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