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Hey my wife and i are starting to learn french together and travelling to france next year for a couple of weeks to paint and enjoy the french lifestyle. So for christmas i bought her a box easel to take around with us. i want to get a line from her favourite poem engraved onto it:

 " I would pick more daisies"

Dont want to use an online translator because i need to get it perfect so if anyone could help it'd be greatly appreciated

Thanks :)

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« plus » is quite disturbing, but I guess it’s just a matter of personal feeling.
Oups, wrong manipulation... The full version :

A literal translation would give:
"Je cueillerais plus de marguerites".
But frankly it doesn't sound very "poetic" in French (it's grammatically correct but less poetic than in its English original form)

Perhaps something like:
« J’irais cueillir des marguerites ».
Or just
« Je cueillerais des marguerites »

« plus » is quite disturbing, but I guess it’s just a matter of personal feeling.
...But wait for other opinions.

And I forgot: welcome in France!
As Benoît says, the literal translation would be "Je cueillerais plus de marguerites", but it doesn't sound exactly poetic. There are potentially better-sounding versions (e.g. "maintes fleurs" = "a myriad flowers"), but how much these distort the original is difficult to tell without seeing other lines around that line. Taken out of context, it's a bit difficult.


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