French Language

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Forum Discussions (2,876)

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Communication with family in France

I am currently attempting a family tree and am having difficulty writing to possible family members in France. Is there anyone willing to h…

Started by Sarkis Keuleyan in French Grammar

4 Jul 29, 2009
Reply by Sarkis Keuleyan


not sure how to translate this: "Il etait etrange de penser que le patron prendrait place bientot dans la barque et qu'il avait les dimens…

Started by isabelle hayes in French Grammar

4 Jul 29, 2009
Reply by Frank

Piscine OR natation

1.Le lundi, je vais à la piscine. I go swimming on Mondays. The French word 'piscine' means the swimming pool. In English it is correct…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

4 Jul 29, 2009
Reply by Frank

Route OR chemin

Tous les chemins mènent/vont à Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Why don't we use the word 'route' in this proverb? Route means road in Englis…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

2 Jul 27, 2009
Reply by Neil Coffey


Je chante/cuisine encore pire que lui. I sing/cook even worse than him. ..................................................................…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

1 Jul 27, 2009
Reply by Frank


J'ai reçu un grandiose accueil. L'équipe a été accueillie par la gens. L'équipe a été chaudement accueillie par les gens. ...............…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

1 Jul 27, 2009
Reply by Frank

Past perfect or present tense

1.I have bought a new car. 2.I bought a new car. J'ai acheté une nouvelle voiture. I recently bought a new car. I bought a new SAAB. When…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

1 Jul 27, 2009
Reply by Neil Coffey

Let me

Permettez-moi de vous dire que le président est hors de danger. Let me tell you that the president is out of danger. My question is on the…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

3 Jul 27, 2009
Reply by Frank

La et lui

1. Je l'ai recontrée au cinéma. I met her at the cinema. The feminine nature is obvious to a person with very little knowledge of French…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

18 Jul 27, 2009
Reply by Frank


the word is "etats-major"; in the book it refers to people in London who have connections to the resistance tia isabelle

Started by isabelle hayes in French Grammar

2 Jul 26, 2009
Reply by Marc Vonhalmen


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