French Language

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Forum Discussions (2,876)

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The best way to learn?

Salut! I have been trying the Michel Thomas cd's, I'm on the second one and I think its pretty easy to grasp , but will it help, anyone tri…

Started by ThomasPashler in French learning / teaching

0 Aug 29, 2009


the context is a description of a young working man who had been imprisoned by the germans in France; "il a deux cotes brisees et il boite…

Started by isabelle hayes in French Grammar

1 Aug 29, 2009
Reply by Frank

Aide moi s'il vous plait!

Can someone please correct this for me! please please please! I need it in an hour =( L’été dernier je travaillais à Januik Winery dans Wo…

Started by Katie Lane in French Grammar

5 Aug 29, 2009
Reply by Katie Lane

Aide moi

1Vous pourrez obtenir de plus amples renseignements à la mairie You could obtain more information ... I can't translate the French senten…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

1 Aug 28, 2009
Reply by Frank

Dans le choix de ses amis

1.Il est difficile dans le choix de ses amis The choice is difficult among his friends. I don't think my English translation is correct. P…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

1 Aug 28, 2009
Reply by Frank

Someone passed me a note

Someone passed me a note and I need help reading it. Thanks. vous etes beau et sexy Je veux vous embrasser maintenant Quand je m obtiens a…

Started by Shannon Smith in French Grammar

6 Aug 28, 2009
Reply by Frank

Can you translate something romantic for me.

This might be embarassing but what does it mean. Ca va mon amour? Je pense tres fort a toi car tu me manques. Je susi huereux de te connait…

Started by Gavin McInerney in French Grammar

1 Aug 28, 2009
Reply by Pamela Kingfisher

De l'argent sur toi

In English, we say, he has money on him. This means he has some cash in his wallet. We don't say he has money with him. I have money on me…

Started by Crack1 in French Grammar

5 Aug 27, 2009
Reply by Frank

j'ai besoin de votre aides (i need help!!!!) vous peux m'aider?

Salut a tous. je me nomme Naana oubien Lady. i need help with some translations

Started by Naana Boatemaa Owusu- Akyaw in French Grammar

1 Aug 27, 2009
Reply by Frank

french history

greetings; what were "les francs-tireurs"?, and what is their significance? when the setting is a house deep in the french countryside dur…

Started by isabelle hayes in French Grammar

2 Aug 27, 2009
Reply by isabelle hayes


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