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Can someone help to translate "poupe de sire poupe de son" I found wax doll in English but can't make out the whole meaning.

Also this: Comme si de rien n'etait. thanks. I have yet to figure out the french keyboard.

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Hi Carla,

It means "Doll of wax, doll of sawdust". She feels like a doll, but not like a fashion doll.
That's very interesting. thanks
Ok the first one is spelled Poupee de Cire, and the word son in french means sound so not sure what you were trying to spell if you want to say just wax doll then its Poupee de Cire.
the next part means "like if nothing were...."you can't translate literally but that is the jist of it.
Poupee de Cire is an old song I heard on You tube, unfortunately I can't understand the rest of it. Years ago I spent time in France 2 months the first time and 2 weeks the 2nd time, but never got around to learn the language, though I remember many words and phrases. I decided that once and for all I will learn to speak it at least at the basic level. thank you for replying.


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