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1]Qu'est-ce que vous faites comme travail?

Je travail dans une boutique.
Je travail dans la presse.

In English we say the following to know about your job.

What do you do for a living?
I hope the first sentence is the equivalent in French

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Hey Crack,

Yes, "Qu'est-ce que vous faites comme travail?" is a good translation.

Another one, maybe closer to the English expression, is "Que faites-vous dans la vie ?" (or, without the inversion: Vous faites quoi dans la vie ?).

"Qu'est-ce-que vous faites comme travail" would make the person you are talking to feel uncomfortable if he doesn't actually have any job.
It might explain why "Que faites-vous dans la vie" is more common. It's more generic. If you have a job, you will say what it is. If you don't, you can answer something like "I take care of my children", which, even if it doesn't draw any salary, is also quite a full-time job.
Thanks Frank
If you don't have a job, the following is one of the appropriate answers.

I don't have a job at the moment.
To say I am unemployed is not harsh. I know people don't want to use the words I am unemployed.

I am looking for a job is also somewhat good reply.
I am looking for a job is also somewhat good reply.

Hi Crack we would say

"I am looking for a job" is also somewhat of a good reply.
(here comes those pesky prepositions again and articles!) Interesting discussion, btw.
You are correct to say somewhat of here.

However, there is nothing wrong with to say only somewhat.

1.Pam has changed somewhat since 9/11.

I bought a new hard drive.
2. The price is somewhat higher than I ...
My first and second sentences are correct.

3. I am somewhat upset by Pam's reply.
For me the word 'somewhat' is an adverb.
Crack, Bravo, you used "since" and "than" to link your words.
Keep up the good work!


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