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Please help with this translation!! It's important. Thanks! me prepare mentallement!


j'ai l impression que ca le fait chier autant qu a moi, donc ca va!


tu serais venu me faire un bisous


Pas qu un seul!


Ca me va!


si cet aprem si les gens me cassent pas les couilles d ici la!


je vais venir te faire des calins.


ben oui qd meme, faut pas deconner.


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This is VERY informal talk -- internet chat, perhaps?


Let's go... I'm mentally preparing myself!


I think he's as pissed off with it as I am, so OK!


You'd come over and give me a hug (kiss on the cheek, really)


Not just one!


I'm Ok with that!


Sure, this arvo, if I don't land in the shit between now and then!


I'll come over and cuddle you.


Sure -- no joking.


Thank you very very much.  I appreciate it.


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