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In case of, say, 3 objects to 2 verbs, like this:

Mary me fait donner le livre à Pierre.

When "le" and "lui" are substituted for "le livre" and "à Pierre" respectively,
where will they go in that statement?

Thanks for looking.

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There is a discussion here. As I am a bit rusty  I hope that that will help if ,as it seems  it is correct.

eg : I gave it to him: Je le lui ai donné

(Anna Schoon seems to be a teacher of French)

According to her,the correct order of pronouns, excluding subject pronouns, is:

First: me, te, se, nous, vous
Second: le, la, (l'), les
Third: lui, leur
Fourth: y
Fifth: en

The order is le lui. But do they come in before fait , or after?

Sorry I didn't see what you were asking. 

I would  go with :Mary me fait  le lui donner . (if nothing else to unclutter  the potential " me le lui" )

Perhaps (I am not sure)   ,sometimes you could treat "faire donner" as  a single verb  and so put the pronouns before "fait"  but it is quite simple   and perhaps more correct to take "donner" as the verb to which "le livre" and "a Pierre" refer.

Then those pronouns  should be placed immediately before "donner"  -à mon avis

Thanks George.
Well since no one says any more, your avis must be it.
To summarize, if you're to substitute "le lui" in here:

Mary me fait donner le livre à Pierre.

It becomes:

Mary me fait le lui donner.

Still, I hope to hear for sure if "me le lui" is wrong in this case.

I  am unsure myself. I have unearthed this

While hardly authoritative  it sounds right to me .

I cannot find any exact instances in google search for that phrase (using faire...donner)  but I can come up with:

Autour de notre maison, l’horizon était, prairies, champs de blé, ou d’avoine et prairies remplies d’arbres à fruits, les vaches avaient un nom, les chevaux aussi, et le soir j’aimais voir Lambert rentrer  de la campagne assis sur Coco, il avait gardé de son repas (pendant sur le côté de son collier dans son grand mouchoir à pois) un bout de tartine ou de tarte et il me laissait le lui donner… 


Here is how I found it :*+le+lui+donner%22&start=0

note I used quotes  and the asterisk(=joker) term

Edit that link does not work but I put this term into google

'me * le lui donner' or perhaps it is "me * le lui donner"

Ok, so 3 objective pronouns are not to be bunched up together.

What about just 2 ? - that is, if they are associated to 2 different verbs.

Victor apparently was ok with that:

"... voulez-Vous me vendre un morceau, et me le laisser manger dans un coin?..."

I guess if you could not have them associated with different verbs then   they would not be very useful.

On the other hand (another guess) if the two pronouns were both direct,or both indirect   then that could be a problem .

Your example :

"... voulez-Vous me vendre un morceau, et me le laisser manger dans un coin?..." does sound clumsy to me but maybe it is "correct".

But maybe someone else can adjudicate.

2 associated with the same verb is the other example: le lui donner.

Sorry I am not sure what you are getting at.


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