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I'm making myself some flash cards and wanted to be sure that these ones I made up are accurate. I'm not really sure about handling the couple at the bottom, so I didn't include anything in French. Thanks a lot!

We ate breakfast at 7:00: Nous avons pris le petit dejeuner à sept heures

I didn't wash myself: Je ne me suis pas lavé

we brushed our teeth: nous nous sommes brosser les dent

you (plural) went to bed: vous vous avez couchez

you just went to bed: vous venez de vous coucher

we just brushed our teeth: nous venons de nous brosser les dents 

We stayed for a week: Nous sommes restés par une semaine

You didn't do your homework: Tu n'as pas fait tes devoirs

after brushing our teeth, we went out

after getting up, I ate breakfast


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here is some corrections, but there are other options :

We ate breakfast at 7:00: Nous avons pris le petit déjeuner à sept heures

I didn't wash myself: Je ne me suis pas lavé

we brushed our teeth: nous nous sommes brossés les dent

you (plural) went to bed: vous vous êtes couchés / vous êtes allés vous coucher 

you just went to bed: vous venez de vous coucher

we just brushed our teeth: nous venons de nous brosser les dents 

We stayed for a week: Nous sommes restés par une semaine

You didn't do your homework: Tu n'as pas fait tes devoirs

after brushing our teeth, we went out : après nous être brossés les dents, nous sommes sortis.

after getting up, I ate breakfast, : après m'être levé, j'ai pris mon petit déjeuner.

I think it should be "nous nous sommes brossé les dents" as well as  "après nous être brossé les dents" because "brossé" doesn't have a direct object.("nous" is an indirect object of the verb).


So the final "s" in "brossés" is incorrect  as far as I can see. 

Yes, as you say, traditionally you wouldn't add the agreement here: the traditional rule is that the agreement is made with a preceding direct object, and in Nous nous sommes brossé les dents, "nous" represents a preceding indirect object.

On the other hand, it's quite a subtle detail: there's no need for the questioner to panic too much if they haven't gone into this level of detail just yet. For the purposes of speaking French, it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever :)


ah !!! the past participle and his complicated rules !!! a past participle error (with or without "s") is the most usual error.

I read all the rules again, and you are right = "nous nous sommes brossé les dents". Because "nous" is an indirect object.

and yes, don't panic, most of French (like me) don't know  the whole rules ;-)


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