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The translation for the question " Qui est-ce? C'est un professeur? " is [Who is this? This is a professor] right? And if the answer is " Non, c'est un etudiant espagnol " , what does it mean? Does it translate to [No, this is a spanish student] or [No, this is a student learning spanish]?

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In French, un professeur has 2 meanings : a teacher and a professor. It's sometimes a bit fuzzy in a text that's why in order to clarify the situation we often say professeur d'université for a professor.

You're first translation is right.

In the second one, your first suggestion is right. The student is Spanish.

I think you've got the meaning. Just note that in idiomatic English, you would usually say "He's a teacher", "He's a Spanish student" (meaning a student who is Spanish).


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