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Il me/lui faut lunettes I need/he needs eyeglasses.

I found the above in an online dictionary.

1. Il me faut lunettes.
I need eyeglasses.

2. Il lui faut lunettes.
He needs eyeglasses.

Are my French sentences correct?
I am not sure.

Because I am used to saying 'je besoin quelque' chose and 'il besoin quelque chose'.

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Thanks Frank

So when it come to breakfast, the following is correct.

Il faut que je petite-déjeune.

And for dinner, the following is correct.
Il faut que je dîne.

Please correct me.
On dîne à 19h00.
Hey Crack,

Yes, both are correct although we rarely say "petit-déjeuner" (except to sound funny), we just say "déjeuner" even for the breakfast.
When I am hungry or thirsty, I think I could use the following:

Il fait faim/soif.

Maybe it is 'J'ai faim/soif'
Please tell me.
Use Il fait with weather expressions and related expressions, when you're talking about the hotness/coldness of a place, room etc.

Use J'ai when you're talking about your hunger/thirst/hotness/coldness.
You might hear "Il se fait faim" and "Il se fait soif" (just like "Il se fait tard") but this is definitely informal.


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