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I would like to know how to say 2 phrases in french, i tryed to do it my self and this is what i came up with

I want more without giving out more.


Je vouloir plus de sans lui vouloir.




I want to soar without ending up sore


Je vouloir envoler sans desinence avoir mal.


Please tell me if I am right or if i need to change it

prefferably I would like it to rhyme but its not needed.

thank you very much

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How does this sound ?

a) Je veux plus sans donner plus,

b) Je veux m'envoler sans finir par faire mal.

Sorry, I can't get it to rhyme !
thats fine i can make it work with my cadence and hythm thank you so very much
Recevoir sans avoir à fournir
S'envoler sans avoir à souffrir


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