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Does anyone know how I can get (free) French television reception with French sub-titles? Since VirginMedia seem to have stopped teletext I can no longer get hold of French TV with French sub-titles via teletext. I loved watching TV5's Central Nuit, Police Judiciaire etc., but not without the help of sub-titles! The slang just goes over my head, never mind the speed at which they talk!!



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Where are you based?
I have 2 French channels. [TV5 and France 2]
Everyday I listen to those channels.

I must pay every month. You can't get free.
I don't know about other countries TV networks.
Maybe some countries pay for French authorities and just give it free for viewers.

I know a family who has almost all the French channels via a parabola.
They have to pay for it. She is French. So the family wants all the French channels.
I'm in Biggin Hill, Kent
Virginmedia offer TV5 free via cable TV which I watch.
According to one satellite installation company some French channels are non-subscription - i.e. free.
This is the equivalent of our Freeview system. But is this true? I don't want to spend £250 or whatever and not get it right!
Even I have cable TV.
If you get TV5 free of charge, it is very likely the provider is paying to French side.
Hi Howard

Maplin est un bon magasin to start with. you need a nifty help to get a good deal, you pay a one off ( lifetime MARVELOUS) dish and decoder, once installed you will have as many french channels as you may wish.
Bonne chance.
PS: prices are from 100 to sky is the limit, but cent livres sterling est SWEET. Please check that subtitles are included, I am soixante quinze pour cent certain you get subts too
Hi Adel, thanks for your interest - do Maplin provide and install? But you're correct, they are good.

I found this company who do but for the best installation, which includes motorised dish, they charge £499 (gulp). But then you get hundreds of free channels from Al-Jazeera to radio as well!
Hi Howard,

Comme vous pouvez lire sur l entete de la page du forum, la majorite des personnes qui l utilise, le font pour discuter et apprendre la langue francaise. Je me suis permis de repondre a votre question bien que les regles sont pour apprendre et discuter le francais. Neil Coffey le createur du network sociale ne doit pas etre tres content que les discussions derive de l objectife du forum. En temps que nouveau membre il m est difficile de deriver du sujet. Maplin est un bon depart pour vous et je vous souhaite beaucoup de chance avec votre problem.
Dear Howard,

Thank you for your comment, I doubled checked my reply to you and found several mistakes (no big deal for me but of paramount importance to you and the forum) I did my best to correct my reply. Here how it should be. Any comment from the forum will be welcome.

Comme vous pouvez lire sur l' entête de la page du forum, la majorité des personnes qui l 'utilise, le font pour discuter et apprendre la langue française. Je me suis permis de répondre a votre question bien que les règles sont pour apprendre et discuter le français. Neil Coffey le créateur du network sociale ne doit pas être très content que les discussions dérive de l' objectif du forum. En tant que nouveau membre il m' est difficile de dériver du sujet. Maplin est un bon départ pour vous et je vous souhaite beaucoup de chance avec votre problème.
You should also check out

It's a French Youtube-like service with a lot of French content.
Merci! Je le ferai


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