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I have a photo that seems to be of a French-Canadian Reverend, probably taken in 1881.
There is handwritten text on the back.

It seems to say:
[Reęa] le
12 Nov 1881
[Dinainehe / Dinanehe / Denanehe]

The words I can't figure out are in brackets.

Without those words, it probably means:
____ on 12 Nov 1881 ____ midday.

I'm assuming the first word must mean "taken" or something similar.
It could be Reçu, which means "received", and would seem to fit.

Based on the context, can anyone guess what the [Dinainehe / Dinanehe / Denanehe] word could even possibly be? Is there a French word or name that might even be close?

Attached is a scan of the photo-back.

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Hello Dane,

I guess it's indeed "reçu" (received) and "dimanche" (Sunday).
Thanks so much! This was killing me all morning.

Did you look at the scan at all?
I was wondering if somebody could verify that the name at the bottom is indeed Revd Joseph DeQouy, and figure out what the word immediately following that is (in the bottom right corner).

Also, I can't at all read the two cursive words printed in large letters diagonally across.

Again, thanks!
Hello Dane,

Yes, I had a look at the scan and it definitely looks like "dimanche".

The name might be Joseph Dequoy and "Revd" might be a shorthand for "Reverend".

But I'm utterly clueless about the word in the bottom right corner :(
I'm sure Revd is an abbreviation for reverend.
I'm starting to think the bottom right is a similar designation.

P_tre, or something close. Is there a French equivalent to "Padre"?

And are the two large cursive words that sweep diagonally across legible to you?
It's probably a name (the photographer's)...looks like "Ged Pernirs" to me, but that doesn't sound like a name.
I stared at the scan, but it's really too difficult to read :(
Is that an arrow in the bottom right corner, under the word in question? Sometimes people use a little arrow to indicate the card/photo be flipped. Maybe it is a word associated with "turning over"? Just a guess...


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