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I was hoping someone could help me with translating english accounting terms into french (for a CV).

I do not know any French speaking accountants, therefore I would appreciate if someone could help me.

So far I have managed to translate the following but am not sure if this is correct.

  • Confidently managed the cash and treasury function; cash flow forecasts, bank reconciliations, FX trades, money market deposits, transfer payments, petty and foreign cash.
Gestion de la trésorerie; rapprochement bancaires, virements bancaires, le marché de l'argent au jour le jour, prévisions de trésorerie, opérations de change et petite caisse.
  • Proficiently performed month end duties; accruals and prepayments, intercompany reconciliations, fixed assets and journals.
Fin de mois fonctions; preparé les charges à payer et les remboursements anticpé, les rapprochements inter-société, la gestion d'actifs immobilisé et les ecritures comptable.
  • Accurately reviewed and reconciled the monthly Investment reports and reported on performance.
Examiné et reconcilié les rapports mensuelle d'invetissements et preparé les rapports de performance.
  • Reliably prepared the VAT and UK IPT returns.
Preparé les déclarations fiscale; VAT et UK IPT (impot sur les primes d'assurance).

  • Thoroughly implemented and documented accounting control procedures in accordance with Sarbanes Oxley.
Implémenté et documenté les systèmes comptable et les contrôles interne en conformité à Sarbanes Oxley.
  • Accurately prepared monthly cost centre reports for management review – monitoring costs and budgets.
Preparé les compatabilité analytique; comparé et surveillé des frais et des budgets et preparé des rapports mensuelle pour management.
  • Actively planned annual budgets for cost centres.
Aidé le planification des budget annuelle.
  • Meticulously prepared the Statutory Accounts for branches and subsidiaries; trial balance, statements of financial position and statements of comprehensive income.
Preparé les comptable statutaires pour les filiales; les bilans provisoire, les bilans et les comptes de résultat.
  • Competently managed the fixed assets function
Géré les actifs immobilisé.

  • Competently managed the sales ledger; preparation of invoices, statements and debtor collections (credit control).
Maintenu les comptes clients; facturation des clients, preparer des relevé des comptes et collecter les sommes des comptes.

  • Efficiently maintained the accounts payable ledger; processed invoices, dealt with customer queries, arranged payments and vendor reconciliations.
Maintenu les comptes fournisseurs; saisie de factures fournisseurs, demandes de clients, réglements de factures et rapprochements de

Many thanks

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I had to do a translation using all that stuff in my professional work. I must say it gave me a headache, because I'm not that familiar with accountancy in either culture. I did find the business dictionary helpful here:


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