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I came across some grammer exercises but it seems like that I can't understand "What to do". Can you please help?


1. Mettez les verbes aux parenthesis au conditionnel, pur exprimer les actions realisables.

- Elle ....... ses devoirs, si elle ...... (finir,pouvoir)

- Il ........ chez le fleurist, si tu ........ des fleurs (aller, vouloir)


2. Mettez les verbes aux parenthesis au conditionnel, pur exprimer les actions irrealisables.*

- Si vous ....... beaucoup a faire, nous vous aiderions (avoir)


* what's Realisables and irreasables?


Before all, please explain to me what these topics means and how to do it, Then I can learn it and proceed with the other exercises. Thanks in advance.

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(1) The first part of your phrases need a conditionnal verb and the second one (after si) need the imparfait.

In your exemples someone will do an action if something happens. The action is unreal but is likely (réalisable).


(2) aiderions is yet the conditionnal tense of aider.

The constrution in (1) and (2) is switched : (1) verb in conditionnal, SI verb imparfait and in (2) SI verb imparfait, verb in conditionnal.


In my opinion, you've got the same thing in your exercices. Both are unreal but likely and none is unlikely (irréalisable)


You can find here helpful explanations about conditionnal.


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