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French for quotes such as "finishing touch", "that's life" "what will be, will be"

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Finishing touch = touche finale

That's life = c'est la vie

What will be, will be = c'est le destin / on ne peut pas échapper à son destin
Merci, mon aimie,
I hope my greeting is correct; or at least close to it. I was under the impression that "Le coup de gras" was finishing touch, and "Que sa ra, sa ra" was what will be, will be. Thanks again for enlightening me.
Hello David,

Oh yes, "le coup de grâce" is an expression that means the last stroke before death. "la touche finale" rather is the cherry on top. I don't know which one is the closest to what you wanted to say.

The song "whatever will be" is also known as "que sera, sera" but I'm not sure that it's supposed to be a French translation. Anyway, no one is going to understand what you are trying to say if you ever say "que sera sera" to a French-speaking person.
Hi Frank,
Thanks again. Yes, "La touche finale" ( The cherry on top.) is the one I want; I have no use for the last stroke before death, thank God! (smile) As for the "que sers sera," in after-thought; I believe it may be Italian. When I was in high school I took some French, but I cannot speak it fluently. I would love to though; I've always admired the language, and Arabic also.

Thank you!


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