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pk tui lui presente pas carolina? dailleur en parlan delle el ma draguer hier et la alejandra mdr une barre ce matin el ma di ke souvent el voule plus ke mon ami el se vere en ma petite ami jme ss deco mdr!

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Wow, this is not just in "chatroom" language but also largely illiterate. Here's an approximation without attempting to reproduce the atrocious spelling:


Why don't you introduce him to carolina? Anyway, speaking of her, she hit on me yesterday and alejandra too LOL this morning she told me that often she's fed up with my friend she wants to be my gf LOL

Thanks for the translation

would you be able to translate this also please?


mdr la alejandra ste folle pi ouias jlui e filer le num de caron mai elle s'en fou et ie num de fanny mais elle s'en fou ji peu rien mnt! et tu voi amandine pour la voir ou pour des affaire a elle?

Again, illiterate but here's an approx:


LOL alejandra's crazy but yeah i gave her caron's number but she couldn't care less and fanny's number too but she couldn't care less there's nothing more i can do! and why are you seeing amandine, just to, like, see her or for business with her?


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