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Can anyone help me with the wee mans homework please?

All the questions are Simpsons related.......Thank You

1. Comment sappelle le pere de la famille?
2.Comment sappelle la mere de la famille?
3. Comment sappelle le fils de la famille?
4. Comment sappelle la fille de la famille?
5.Qui est le frere de Lisa?
6. Qui sont les soeurs de Bart?
7. Qui est le mari de Marge?
8. Qui est la femme de Hommer?
9. Qui est le grand-pere de la famille?
10. Comment sappellent les tantes de Lisa et Bart?
11. Jacqueline Bouvier Lisa et Bart
12. Loncle de Lisa et Bart sappelle.

Thank you very much in advance


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Hello Iain,

This exercise can easily be answered using a dictionary. There's no tricky grammar point here, you just need to look up the following words: père, mère, fils, fille, frère, soeur, mari, femme, grand-père, tante, grand-mère, and oncle.
But if you don't watch the Simpson's you're sunk!
Come on, who on earth doesn't watch the Simpson's :)

If you really don't, which is hard to believe, I'm pretty sure Google includes some resource about it.
Google is amazing!
1 comment = what s' = is the appel= name le pere= the father de la= of famille=familly
check spelling of s'appelle the rest should be easy j' espere pour vous Iain.
5 Qui sont= who are Qui est= who is


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