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I wanted to write a song. I have lyrics but I just don't want it to be English cause I love more singing in French. Here are the lyrics, well I assume they're not too long to translate. Can you please help me?


On a boat
I'm traveling on my own (alone)
Nothing is invisible enough to my eyes
And memories, they're drowning in oblivion

On a boat
On an abandoned lake
No duck sounds exist around me
There are only echoes I cannot recognize
And whose origin (I mean, original sound form of the echoes) I can't remember at all

Am I in the universe?
Am I in the time? (that might not make sense in French language, what I mean is whether or not the time goes on)

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Here is a quick and almost litteral translation of your lyrics.

Good luck with your song.



Sur un bateau

Je navigue seul

Rien n'est assez/suffisamment invisible pour moi/pour mes yeux  (I'm not sure to really understand your phrase. Does "enough" relative to invisible , which is what I've understood, or to "to my eyes"?)

Et les/mes souvenirs sombrent dans l'oubli/le néant.


Sur un bateau

Sur un lac abandonné

Sans aucun cris de canards autour/près de moi

Seulement des échos que je ne reconnais pas

Et dont l'origine m'est totalement inconnue.


Suis-je dans l'univers?

Le temps suit-il toujours son cours? / Le temps est-il suspendu?   (I've lost the twice "Am I" construction.)





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