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1.Vous avez été loin pour quelques semaines.

2.Je vous ai manqué. OR Tu me manques.

You have been away for a few weeks.
I missed you.

I don't think my first sentence is fine. Probably the word 'loin' is inappropriate.

I know the word 'raté' is used to say when you miss the bus/train.

Please correct me.

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Hey Crack,

"Vous avez été loin" is okay, but it means "far away" rather than just "away".
So you'd better say Vous avez été absent pendant quelques semaines.

(notice that "pour" is never used in French in order to say "for" + duration, we use "pendant" + duration)

Je vous ai manqué means You missed me. It might be a question ("Est-ce-que je vous ai manqué ?"), but saying it that way, while gramatically correct, sounds pretty harsh.

Tu me manques means I miss you.

Yes, "miss"/"manquer" is confusing because it's the other way round.
Tu me manques means I miss you.

I want to write either ' I've missed you or I missed you.'

I think 'Tu as me manqué.'
Please correct me.

Tu m'as manqué.
Thanks Frank
Je vous ai pensé m'envoyer une carte postale.
I thought you would send me a picture postcard.

Vous ne m'avez pas envoyé une carte postale.
You didn't send me a picture postcard.

Are my French translations fine?
J'ai pensé que vous m'enverriez une carte postale.

Vous ne m'avez pas envoyé de carte postale.


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