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Reading Tissot's Traité des Nerf et leurs maladies (1800) originally published in the 18th century I came upon this clause: "que ces tuyaux charient le fluide préparé dans le cerveau. While the meaning seemed clear from the context I was not able to find the word charient or what I took to be its infinitive charir in any of the online dictionaries that I consulted. It seems clearly related to chariot and easily translates as carries. Is anyone familiar with this word? I am curious as to whether I made a mistake in searching for it, whether it has changed spelling, or simply disappeared. Thanks for your consideration.
ok thank you, more context is always so important!
@Vedas . You don't mean "animated" do you ?
"animist" is connected to animism ,surely.
I like the idea that French is more animistic or anthropomorphic than English. Do you know anything I can read that fleshes out that idea.
What do you mean by anything?
you'll find the idea in the not recent but famous book: "Stylistique comparée du français et de l'anglais" Vinay /Darbelnet
or "approche linguistique des problèmes de traduction" Chuquet/ Paillard
or "syntaxe comparée du français et de l'anglais" Guillemin-Flesher
Here are some common sentences that illustrate the idea:
1/Avant sa sortie, l'objet fait le tour de toutes les rédactions et collectionne les plateaux télé.
Even before it hit the shelves, the Cybook was given mass coverage by both the press and tv.
2/ Le Cybook n'a jamais rencontré son public.
It never caught on with the public.
3/ La France compte en 2014 68 millions d'habitants.
There are/was 68 millions inhabitants in France in 2014.
4/ Internet intéresse de plus en plus les seniors.
The elderly take up net surfing.
Thanks for the suggestion and examples. ed
there is an English translation of the book by Vinay Darbelnet:
Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A methodology for tra...
available (pdf) at Library Genesis...
Thanks again.
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