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He  is related to me.

I have lots of relatives.

Where do your  relations live?

What is your relationship to her/him/them?

My maternal  relatives are not  in this  country.

My paternal relatives are not  in this  country.

Both events are closely related to each other.

I have lots of extended family members.


Friends are  'amies' in French, Neighbors are 'voisin' in French. 

My enemies are ' mes ennemies ' in French.

I combed my dictionaries in vain to find out a suitable word for relatives. I beg your help to translate the  above  English into French. In English we speak about well-wishers. We say, for example, friends and well-wishers.

It seems there is not a single French word  for the  English word relatives. It sounds  awkward to my ears.

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I am confused myself ,but I think "un(e)parent(e)" can be used for any relative in the family (not necessarily immediate).

It does not just mean "one's parent".

For relationships between events you would use a different expression .Perhaps "les connexions" might be used.

It seems a bit complicated .Maybe Chantal will help.

Mes  parents  means my parents.

Ma tante  is my aunt,

Mon  oncle is my uncle.

Frére ,  soeur,  fil , fils , etc

The  core of my question is on your relatives.

"mes parents" only means "my parents" when you are specifically referring to them.

Depending on context it can refer to other members of the family.

It is a "faux ami".

i was surprised when i learned that the word "parents" referring to relatives.  best to have this confirmed by chantal, but when there isn't a specific relationship defined, i'm inclined to believe that the word "parent" is used to mean a relative.  "closely related" is "etroitement parente'   

I don't think "etroitement parente'  would be correct for closely related"

Could be "mes parents proches"  or "ma  famille proche"

Yes "parents" is ok for relatives. But not in all the sentences.

The first meaning of "parents" = mum and dad.

but it can (I promise one day I will try to learn "can-may-could" and their friends) be used as relatives.  It's clarifyed generally.

J'ai vu Jeanne et son mari, ce sont des parents éloignés = cousins, cousines.

He is related to me : Il est de ma famille.

I have lots of relatives : J'ai beaucoup de famille, j'ai une grand famille.

There Where do your relations live ? Où habite ????? (what is exactly "relations" ?)

What is your relationship to her/him/them? Quel est ton lien de parenté avec elle/lui/eux ?

My maternal relatives are not in this country. Ma famille maternelle n'est pas dans ce pays.

My paternal relatives are not in this country. Ma famille paternelle n'est pas dans ce pays.

Both events are closely related to each other : les deux évènements sont relativement proches l'un de l'autre.

I have lots of extended family members. J'ai  une grande famille. (I don't understand "extended" who are they exactly )

americans don't use the word "relations" to speak of extended family.  they say "relatives."  but the british will use "relations" so maybe that's why u're confused.  

and "relations" is a "faux ami" for french.

This word exists and means :

- Someone I know and I meet sometimes. It's not a friend. He could be a friend of a friend or a co-worker I don't really work with. Pierre, c'est une relation de travail. (used with the verb "être")

- Someome I know who is important, influential. Someone who has the power to help you (to have a better job, to meet someone, ...) . J'ai des relations. (used with the verb "avoir")

i just looked at the reverso dictionary and here were some examples: 

une parente éloignée      a distant relative, a distant relation  
des parents proches      close relatives, close relations  
parents par alliance      relatives by marriage, relations by marriage

i didn't see "etroitement parente'" and yet i have it on a study card so i must have seen it somewhere.  chantal, please confirm if this means "closely related."  

I don't understand this sentence : Both events are closely related to each other.

what is the subject ?

what does this sentence mean ?  Both events are closely related to each other.

I translated this like that :  les deux évènements sont relativement proches l'un de l'autre.

I understand the subject is "Both events" and means "les deux évènements".

I don't understand something about family in this sentence.


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