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Comment savoir si ce mot est masculin ou feminin?
How to know the gender of the word, masculin or feminin?
 words with these endings are masculin with some exceptions...
-age, -an, -c, -d, -eme, -g, -i, -in, -is, -iste, -k, -l, -lon, -m, -non, -o, -ome, -r, -sme, -t, -taire, -ton, -tre, -u, -us.
Endings          Exceptions 
-age cage plage image nage page rage
-an médian maman
-c fac
-i merci fourmi foi loi
-in main fin
-is brebis fois souris oasis
-iste modiste liste piste
-m faim
-o météo dactylo dynamo steno magnéto moto
-r mer chair minceur douceur froideur grandeur
profondeur odeur largeur valeur fleur couleur
soeur peur vapeur erreur horreur cour tour

-t forêt nuit dent part plupart
-tre fenêtre huître vitre rencontre montre lettre
-u eau peau vertu

 words with these endings are feminin with some exceptions...

-ade, -aison, -ce, -ee, -ie, -iere, -ine, -ion, -ite, -lle, -se, -tte,-ude,-ure.
ending        Exceptions 
-ade jade grade stade
-ce espace crustace exercice bénéfice office artifice
précipice dentifrice armistice vice service silence
prince commerce pouce
-ee lycée périgée trophée pedigree musée
-ie incendie cryptographie périhélie génie foie
-iere arrière derrière cimetière
-ine domaine capitaine ciné pipeline moine patrimoine
-ion ion million billion camion dominion lampion
scorpion espion démilitarisation antivivisection
bastion attribution avion
-ite trilobite anthracite plébiscite gîte graphite
satellite théodolite comité ermite termite
granite rite mérite site opposite
-lle intervalle vermicelle scelle braille mille
gorille vaudeville
-se vase malaise suspense sconse opposé exposé gypse
inverse colosse carrosse pamplemousse
-tte squelette
-ude prélude interlude coude
-ure dinosaure centaure kilowattheure sulfure/nitrure/...
parjure murmure

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There's some material I put together a while ago on telling the gender of French nouns from their ending etc.

Note that gender isn't just determined by noun ending: some semantic and grammatical elements also come into play.

Incidentally, re the list above, termite is interesting because there actually isn't much consensus about its gender. For what it's worth, Larousse list it as masculine. Wikipedia rather dogmatically has a statement saying: "Le mot "termite" est masculin. Contrairement aux idées reçues, on dit bien 'un termite' et non 'une termite'", although as far as I can observe, actual usage really isn't as clear-cut as either of these sources make out (and if it was, they wouldn't need to bother mentioning it of course).

It's also worth pointing out that the exceptions don't tend to occur when suffixes like -ie are genuinely used as suffixes-- or in other words, when you have related pairs ending in -ique (adjective) vs -ie (noun), it's practically impossible for the noun not to follow the expected gender.

Incidentally (but it's really not an important point), I think the word opposite (which is essentially obsolete, though you'll occasionally find in literature) is probably more appropriately described as being an adjective. But as a whole, it's used in phrases like à l'opposite de... rather than on its own like a "normal" adjective.


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