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hi, who knows the difference bitween these 3 words


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Hi Samira,

Ennuyé usually means annoyed, bothered.

It bothers me to know that he's angry
Je suis ennuyé de savoir qu'il est en colère

It can also mean to be bored.We tend to opt for the reflexive version in this case:

I was bored
Je me suis ennuyé

Ennuyant and ennuyeux means boring/dull and also annoying/tiresome.

What's the difference, you may ask. To be fair, most native speakers don't know that there is any. The difference is that ennuyeux refers to something that is boring by definition, while ennuyant is a situation that might be changed.

In practice, you can use both words interchangeably.

Both are a bit formal and oldish, though.

Nowadays, gênant, embétant, fâcheux, énervant (for annoying/tiresome), pénible, lourd, sans intérêt (for boring/dull) are way more common. And if you want to go slang, (vraiment) chiant means that sth/sb is a (real) PITA.
thanks alot Frank,
i checked ENNUYANT in dictionary and it said : Vx ou Anilles ,belgique ,Quebec
but i can't undrestand what it means?
thanks for ur help
Vx is an abbreviation for vieux (oldish). Antilles, Belgique and Quebec is where people are supposed to use it according to this dictionary.
Some other informal words that spring to mind (there are probably several others): rasoir, mortel, casse-pieds (and, more vulgarly, casse-couilles, casse-cul..).

Can I also extend my thank you to Larousse for noting that the 1990 spelling reform allows the plural form casse-culs. This could be one of the most vital decisions the Académie has ever made.
Mortel essentially means "awesome", "wicked" nowadays, which happens to be just the opposite :)

This could be one of the most vital decisions the Académie has ever made.



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