French Language

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I would like to know whether I am allowed to  seek  french speaking partner to practise speaking french via skype  on this forum.  If the  answer is yes I will put the details when I get the reply to this question.

    If the answer is "no" then too bad. I wouldn't speak french well, only read and write well.


[ Note from the forum editor: as far as the forum rules are concerned, you are very welcome to exchange details here in order to contact one another in the way you suggest. However, you take full responsibility for the consequences of publishing your personal details in a public forum. ]

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join shared talk, it is free, and then you can meet people there and ask them to join you via Skype. It's an excellent way to improve your skills.

Hi there,

     thank you very much for your reply.  Yes, I will try Shared Talk and see what  it is like. Happy new year to y ou Pamela.

     Yong Leong

I am seeking someone to help me with my (intermediate) French.

I have Skype so if you are interested, please reply.


Hi Graham,

     Yes, I would be glad to practise some french with you. And you will find my e-mail address on this forum in one of the reply here.  I would be free around the 5th January, so until then a happy new year to you.

       If you send me an e-mail so I could e-mail you regarding time .

        Best regards, and a happy new year.

         Yong Leong (mr)

sarita,indienne,28 ans.etude french b1 , tres curieuse a parler si vous etes intresser. e-mel (  skype id ( rkumar). repondez vite. salute.


 i am aslo seeking for a person to whom i can speak french via skype. if you are willing then i am ready.

Salut Anna,

    Yes, I would like to practise french via skype with  you.  Year end I have a bit of work so if it is all right we could start say the first week around the 5th January if that is ok with you.

     I will try to contact you again around the 4th January. You need to send me an e-mail though. My e-mail address is

      Happy new year , wish you good luck in the year 2011.


     Yong Leong (mr)


je vous envoie le message par email. merci beaucoup.... i am waitng.

sarita,indienne,28 ans.etude french b1 , tres curieuse a parler si vous etes intresser. e-mel (  skype id ( rkumar). repondez vite. salute.
Note to people exchanging e-mail addreses: rather than publish your private e-mail address in this public forum, you may prefer to send a private message via this network.
Thanks Neil, good advice. I have however tried to send a Private Message but I'm told that I need to be friends with that person...
I'm a 19 year-old french student, who learns english for almost 10 years. If you want to talk with me (by skype or by other ways), send me a message ! I think it could be great for both of us :o). I can also help you to translate whatever you want :)


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