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Le peloton de Lalo Sardinas devait occuper le cote est d'une fougeraie, d'ou il frapperait la colonne des soldats des qu'elle serait bloquee.


The pack of Lalo Sardinias had to occupy the coast east of a bracken where it should had to strike the columns if  blocked.



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Le peloton de Lalo Sardinas devait occuper le la cote (côte?)  est d'une fougeraie, d'où  il frapperait la colonne des soldats des dès  qu'elle serait bloquée. 

The pack platoon of Lalo Sardinias had to occupy the coast east eastern side of a (field of) bracken   from where it should had (was to strike or would strike) to strike the columns if  blocked once (des que) it was cornered.

I love the French language too, Brain Rogue. I took it for granted at first. While I was ingesting it by studying grammar and composition, I just came to love it plus the most beautiful ladies in the world are at Montreal, Quebec. Just kiddin'. The Jesuits too are too good to be suspected of bad faith in their dealings with men. All my kids are studying in Jesuit university.

what do you mean by 'should had to strike'?

il frapperait = it would strike

il devait frapper = it had to strike

il devrait frapper = it should strike

Merci Madam!!


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