I was reading my french textbook for my class regarding exceptions for agreement when using "avoir" with the passé composé, and I'm having a hard time understanding the points I've included below.
The book I am referring to is French Four Years by Françoise Shein.
It says, "However, the past participle of a verb conjugated with avoir remains unchanged before an infinitive with its own direct object."
The example they provide: On jouait une pièce en plein air; je l'ai regardé jouer (l' is the object of jouer).
"With verbs of perception, if the object of the main verb is also the subject of the infinitive, the past participle agrees with the object."
Their example: Hier, je suis allée au jardin avec les enfants. Je les ai regardés jouer. (les is the
object of regarder, les enfants
jouaient, j’ai regardé les enfants jouer).
Can anyone tell me what this means (either or both)? Thanks in advance.